Temujalar is an art collective ecosystem platform. Started with an idea of connecting art collectives and its ecosystem. Temujalar is a platform of sharing for everyone who believes in the spirit of sharing and togetherness.
Be Part of the Ecosystem
Temujalar is an online platform for artists, art collectives, curator, writer, researcher, art enthusiast, student, teacher and many other fields in contemporary art. Initiated by Gudskul Ekosistem in connecting friends, colleagues to encourage collaboration, networking, experiencing collectiveness and cooperative working in a lumbung values in a fun and interactive way.
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Temujalar: Meet and Spread
Meet and connect friends, spread the happiness.
Experience Collectivity
Experience art collective and expand the possibilities through online interactive.
Digital Conviviality
Temujalar brings an artistic virtual environment, practices are expanded.
Global Art Ecosystem
Explore the world made by artists, art collectives and its ecosystem
Think Global, Bring Local
Explore global possibilities, opportunities to bring from and to your localities.
Find spot for “nongkrong”, sometimes great ideas comes from simple and spontaneous conversation.